Who Is Your One?

Who Is Your One?

As the Recruitment Coordinator on PALS Staff, one thought continued to come to mind. If each person could commit to inviting one new person into the PALS Family, our volunteer spots would be filled for 19 programs this summer- and thus, the Who's Your One campaign was born! 

What PALS Can Do for You?

What PALS Can Do for You?

At PALS, we have heard the sentiment many times before- "I wouldn't be where I am today without my summers at PALS," or "the trajectory of my career completely shifted after spending a week at PALS," or "the memories from PALS are some of the best of my life." But what is it about a week-long experience at PALS that fulfills our mission of changing attitudes, transforming lives, and inspiring a world of belonging? Many of us enter thinking we are here to volunteer and change lives, and likely we will, but we leave with far more.

PALS Staff Retreat 2022

PALS Staff Retreat 2022

A few times a year, the staff at PALS have an opportunity to meet with one another to build team and work together to improve our programming. This past December, the team convened in Baltimore, Maryland, where we spent 3 days getting to know each other and collaborating on ways to work better together.

Ringing in the New Year - PALS Holiday 2022

Ringing in the New Year - PALS Holiday 2022

Happy New Year from the PALS Staff! We rang in 2023 at PALS Holiday in Los Angeles, California. 

PALS Holiday first launched in 2017 on the east coast as off season programming for our community to reconnect and ring in the New Year together. This year we were thrilled to bring this program across the country at our first-ever PALS Holiday Los Angeles. This proved to be a great opportunity to engage with the local community of Los Angeles as one of our ten hubs outlined in the PALS Strategic Plan.

What to Expect for Summer 2023 Programs!

What to Expect for Summer 2023 Programs!

PALS Summer 2023 is less than 200 days away! The application for Partners and Peers launches on January 1 and we are eager to share more details about what you can expect for our upcoming summer programs.

Following each summer season, PALS Staff strives to gather feedback from every member of our community as described in a recent blog post. We understand the value of hearing each individual’s opinion and experience at PALS to create the highest quality programs possible. Decisions are influenced by community feedback in order to constantly improve our programs for the following year. Here are a few adaptations you can expect to see this next summer.

PALS & Future Educators

PALS & Future Educators

Thanks to a connection through current volunteer Tori Clayton, the Student Pennsylvania State Education Associate (SPSEA) invited PALS to present at their conference at Westchester University on November 5. When considering what would be most relevant to a room full of aspiring teachers, we kept coming back to one idea - how immersive experiences outside of the classroom, like PALS, make teachers more confident, motivated, and passionate when they step back inside the school building.

How PALS Uses Surveys to Make Our Programs Better

Data is something everyone uses to help make decisions every day. Whether you are using GPS to see if there is traffic on the way to your destination, checking the weather forecast for later this week, or tracking the steps you take on a smart watch, data is a major part of our everyday lives. PALS relies on data to see how we’re doing, where and how to improve, and to hear directly from all of the people who attend our programs.

PALS Receives ACA Accreditation

PALS Receives ACA Accreditation

PALS is delighted to announce the recent notification that our week-long summer programs have earned ACA-Accredited® Camp status! This is verification from the American Camp Association® that our camp, during multiple site visits over the course of the summer, complied with up to 266 industry-established health and safety standards, which are recognized by courts of law and government regulators as the standards of the camp industry.