PALS Program Manager
A few times a year, the staff at PALS have an opportunity to meet with one another to build team dynamics and work together to improve our programming. This past December, the team convened in Baltimore, Maryland, where we spent 3 days getting to know each other and collaborating on ways to work better together.
Day 1 focused on building trust with one another and working through healthy conflict. We spent time team building, ended our day with a nice seafood dinner at the Rusty Scupper, and played fun games.
Day 2 gave us time together in our various departments. We spent time learning about inclusive leadership and reflected on ways to better promote inclusivity at our organization. Additionally, we reviewed the goals we set for the year and our progress toward completion. This time together was critical for us to identify if we were on track and what changes we should implement as we head into the year's next quarter. While Day 2 started with a focus on our current progress, it ended with a fun trip to Top Golf, where we divided into our department teams and played various games.
Though our time together was short, Day 3 provided space for debriefing and meaning-making. Each team member walked away more committed to the work of PALS and the communities we serve. Overall, spending time with my colleagues proved to be re-energizing and left me feeling refreshed! This is vital as we prepare for our summer programs.
I look forward to more opportunities to connect with this team and discover ways to improve our impact on the community! We are eager to host programs across the country this summer and continue building a world of belonging for all.