Supporting the mission of PALS through events: Julie Carrier

Supporting the mission of PALS through events:  Julie Carrier

April is National Volunteer Month and we are sharing stories from PALS volunteers to thank and celebrate our community! PALS volunteers have continued to show their dedication to PALS by sharing their time and talents, not only during a week at  camp, but throughout the entire year. Recently, Julie Carrier did just that by hosting a walk at her school, Endicott College, in Massachusetts. 

The Impact of The Congratulations Project at PALS

 The Impact of The Congratulations Project at PALS

As Summer approaches, PALS Staff and Volunteer Leaders are busily planning some excellent PALS programs. Each program will incorporate some core programming, components that are led at every program across the country. This framework keeps our mission central to our programs,  especially as we continue to widen our reach. One of the core components of PALS is The Congratulations Project. 

A Glimpse Into Volunteering at PALS

A Glimpse Into Volunteering at PALS

During National Volunteer Month, PALS is celebrating and honoring each volunteer that contributes to our mission. As a volunteer-led organization, PALS relies on the dedication of volunteers to make our programs happen. Sharaf was a volunteer at PALS Spring Break, a pilot program in partnership with Virginia Commonwealth University. Here, he shares about his experience of being in community with people with Down syndrome and what he learned.

Not Too Old to Make New Friends

Not Too Old to Make New Friends

I joined PALS during a transition period in my life. I had just moved five hours away from home and entered a new graduate program, unsure how to find my place. I was looking for ways to engage with my community and remembered a friend posting about PALS and decided to check it out. Stepping onto Cabrini’s campus for my first program, I felt at home.