Why PALS: Finding Belonging through Volunteerism
PALS Seattle Program Lead
We often ask members of our PALS Family "Why PALS?" to learn how our mission has impacted their lives. April is National Volunteer Month where we have the opportunity to thank our volunteers that make PALS possible. Yu-Ann, PALS Program Lead at Seattle, describes the impact of volunteerism.
"PALS is a space where people get to be their true, authentic selves, and where we get to foster an environment in which everyone belongs."
Dear PALS Family,
Hi everyone! My name is Yu-Ann Youn, and I am a Program Lead at PALS Seattle this summer! I am super excited to get to share some of my PALS story with you all. I had the opportunity to attend my first PALS in 2022 as a Peer (at the first-ever PALS Seattle!!) and have been blessed with the opportunity to come back and help support the program this year.
The PALS model is unlike any other camp space I have been in, and the one-to-one model really inspires everyone to have fun while challenging the way that we perceive the world around us. PALS is a space where people get to be their true, authentic selves, and where we get to foster an environment in which everyone belongs. Everyone is encouraged to be silly and dance around, and it is one of the most welcoming spaces that I have ever been in! I still talk to the friends that I made at camp last year, and am thrilled to be able to see some of them again and to welcome new people into the PALS Family!
PALS Love,
We are grateful for Yu-Ann and all of the incredible volunteers, dedicating their time to building communities of belonging. Our volunteer-led programs change attitudes and transform lives. During National Volunteer month, apply to volunteer or invite a friend to experience the transformative week of PALS.