PALS VLOG: Four parents on their PALS experience



Fern: I'm excited for Marty to experience what I experienced when I went away to camp.

Beth: Camp PALS offers an opportunity to be away from home for a week, which many kids  with Down syndrome don't have – especially teens and young adults with Down syndrome.

Jean: You could just see the fun and the joy, and... it was just a typical camp experience, which is what I was looking for.

Fern: To feel that self assurance.

Beth: Camp PALS offers friendship and super fun opportunities to just go amazing places that you might ordinarily never go.

Jean: You could just see how well it was done, and how much fun  he was having and how much fun everybody else was having. And it was just awesome.

Cecelia: As his mother, I don't take lightly the opportunity that Camp PALS provides for Marcelo.

Jean: It's such a safe space and it's such a great place to grow and learn and create friendships. And, you know, friendships that last.

Cecelia: Camp PALS' commitment  to having camp for older individuals is both necessary and greatly appreciated.

Fern: We expect that the PALS camp will be a great place for her to learn independence and, you know, test her boundaries a little.

Beth: Most people with intellectual disabilities are not asked their advice... not asked to reflect on what they're proud of or what their hopes and dreams might be. They're almost never asked,  you know, "What's your typical day like?" or asked to share their insight or wisdom.

Jean: They have created so many nice relationships and long term relationships.

Fern: And they will develop a family over time, you know. A close unit. A family unit.

Beth: They have a lot to say and a lot to teach us and remind us, and make us better aware about.

Fern: After years of going to camp, they will develop a friendship that will keep them close.

Jean: Ryan would probably say that he enjoys being a counselor or support staff as much as much he -  maybe even more - than being a camper because he loves the leadership, he loves the responsibility.

Cecelia: It continues to be an optimal experience for him to gain further independence, to thoroughly enjoy himself, and try new things.

Fern: She and I both thought, oh, this is a great opportunity for her to learn some independence and be on her own.

Cecelia: To forge relationships with different people,  and to feel embraced and necessary to the community in which he belongs.

Jean: What do you like about being a counselor or support staff? 

Ryan: Helping others.

Jean: You like to help others, and what else? 

Ryan: Treat them with respect.

Jean: Treat everybody with respect.

Ryan: And just have fun.

Beth: I just want to thank each of you for the work you guys do in creating these opportunities and creating a world that is more equitable, more just, more beautiful.

Cecelia: Thank you.

Fern: We're excited about camp, and we're excited that she's going to have the opportunity.

Ryan:  Make new friends, and have fun with it. And dance parties.

Fern: Life is good, and there always will be PALS.

Ryan: We love you!