Meet the PALS Volunteers!

We invited a handful of individuals volunteering with PALS this Summer 2021 to answer a few questions. Here’s what they had to say!

What are 5 things you couldn’t live without?

Family time
2. Golf
3. Pizza
4. Coffee
5. A charged Phone

1. Dogs, period.
2. Fresh fruit in any capacity on its own, or in smoothies.
3. My physical paper planner; jammin' on my planner is one of my favorite hobbies.
4. Exercising, whether it's running, hiking, walking, dancing or any form of movement.
5. Water, duh!

1. Chapstick
2. Post-it notes
3. Fuzzy socks
4. My dog
5. Hoagies from Wawa

1. Mangoes
2. Oxygen
3. Sunsets
4. The cool side of the pillow
5. A good breeze

Think back on your first ever PALS experience. What was it like for the first day or two? How did it feel when you left after the program ended?

David: I didn’t know what to expect, but by the end of the first week, I felt motivated and inspired to continue advocating and building upon lifelong relationships made at camp.

Meaghan: I was so nervous to come to PALS my first year, I had no idea what to expect and knew absolutely no one. When I arrived, those nerves went away instantly, because I just felt so welcomed and it was so easy to come out of my shell. Things just got better and better as the week went on, especially thanks to my roommate, Eri,n who was the coolest. After camp ended, I felt energized (yet exhausted) and had a more positive view of the world. I also couldn't wait for the next summer to come around so that I could go back to camp again!

Jasmine: Prior to attending my first camp, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was slightly nervous, but that all changed when I was welcomed with open arms by the PALS community when I arrived at camp. Throughout the week, I realized that PALS was a safe space where I could authentically be myself without fear of judgment, and I am so grateful to be part of an organization that promotes inclusion.

Michael: Although I came in not knowing anyone, by the second day I already felt like I was somewhere I didn't need to pull out my phone to fill the space of a moment. I was able to feel present. On the third day, I remember just openly crying one night, because I was overwhelmed by how fun, kind, accepting, welcoming, and sincere everyone was; it was a great feeling. Once the program ended it felt weird saying goodbye to people I had never known existed just a week before. I left camp more knowledgeable of how to be an advocate, an ally, and a friend.

What's a PALS memory that brings a smile to your face?

David: One of my roommates telling me he loved me and was happy that we were matched.

Meaghan: I always smile when I think of our closing ceremonies at PALS San Francisco 2018, which was also the wrap of PALS’ 50th camp! We finished the program, and I felt so much love for the entire room. There was so much love, happiness, and sadness (that the week was ending) that I just started crying. Then the whole camp was suddenly rushing the stage for the best group hug I've ever experienced.

Jasmine: A PALS memory that brings a smile to my face is the time we rode the wildest water slides at Great Wolf Lodge.

Michael: I remember one of my friends at camp and I were at a dance. All night, he was saying how much he didn't want to really dance, and how he was tired and wanted to sit down. When I went to get us some juice I came back to see him tearing it up on the dance floor and I was AMAZED.

What would be your dream PALS location and why?

David: Anywhere near a golf course/mini golf course - I want to leverage my golf brand to promote inclusion and to hold a golf day/instructional workshop for our roommates.

Meaghan: It's hard to beat PALS San Francisco for me, but I would be so down for Camp PALS Hawaii. I would expect every day to be on the beach and there would be so many fun adventures to go on, like snorkeling, boat rides, exploring volcanos, and luaus!

Jasmine: My dream PALS location would be Fiji because I love warm weather and the beach!

Michael: Oooooo! I would say Ecuador. When I was in Ecuador, I met people as they were; it was a time filled with sincere interactions. The only other time I had felt so welcome and free in a group setting was at Camp PALS –where the cool cap comes off.

What are you looking forward to this summer at PALS?

David: Building upon relationships, catching up, and making new friends.

Meaghan: Just being reunited with all my PALS friends :)

Jasmine: This summer, I’m looking forward to reuniting with my PALS friends that I haven’t seen in over a year!

Michael: I am looking forward to seeing people, specifically friends I haven't seen in person in forever, and looking forward to meeting new friends too!

What's something valuable you've taken away from your experiences at PALS?

David: The family that is so welcoming and loving. The idea that both roommates and counselors learn so much from each other and the love shown between everyone. Words can’t do justice for what is experienced at each program.

Meaghan: The most valuable thing I've learned from my experience at PALS is understanding what a world of acceptance and belonging looks like, where you're not nervous to be yourself, everyone can be the most genuine version of themselves, and a PALS hug will make you feel like you’re with family.

Jasmine: Witnessing my peers’ ability to maintain a positive outlook despite any obstacles that may arise serves as a reminder to approach every day with a glass-half-full philosophy. Living with optimism continuously shows me that failures offer opportunities for growth!

Michael: That there is no measure to what a friendship can be. I also learned how to be able to be an advocate with and for others in an active and interactive manner.

Volunteering with PALS is amazing because…

David: I get to make incredible relationships, get to put a lot into perspective from learning and helping others learn, and get to inspire others to promote inclusion which has been a societal issue that needs to be stressed at the forefront. Everyone involved is on the same page in terms of showing love and supporting each other. Really an extraordinary feeling to know that the PALS family has each other’s backs through it all.

Meaghan: It's so much fun! I can tell you that I laugh and smile so much when I'm at PALS that my cheeks start to hurt by the end of the first day. There's also no better dance party in the world than a Camp PALS spontaneous dance party.

Jasmine: The friendships you make at camp last forever!

Michael: you're able to meet yourself for the first time in a while, and feel what it's like to see others without a cool cap.