PALS Participants Put the FUN in Fundraising!

PALS is dependent on our community to help raise the necessary funds to run successful programs! All participants are encouraged to fundraise for PALS. If each participant raised just $100 this summer on their personal fundraising page, we’d reach our goal of raising $100,000! PALS makes it easy for you to fundraise as we can provide you with graphics, templates for asking your friends and family, and more. Just visit for ALL of the tools you will need! Let directors know if you have any questions, or email

We invited a few of our top fundraisers to answer some questions about why they fundraise for PALS! Here’s what they had to say.

Why do you fundraise for PALS?

Fundraising helps me to spread my love of PALS with the hope of encouraging others to become involved.

I fundraise for PALS as a way to give to an organization that has given so much to me. As a director, I've seen that every dollar really does go a long way and there are so many people willing to donate and help out.

What motivates you to fundraise for PALS?

Dana: I have been involved with PALS for several years now and have loved every experience. l like knowing that my fundraising can help to foster a program that creates a world of belonging.

Donny: The main motivation for me is to provide participants at PALS with the same experience that I have had. Being a part of PALS for 4 years, I have been lucky enough to attend some amazing programs and meet so many great people. I want others to be able to create memories and make friendships similar to my own.

What do you think is the most difficult part of fundraising, and how do you overcome it?

AD: For me, the most difficult part about fundraising is constantly trying to reach out to people. So, the way I overcome this is by doing fundraising methods that get me excited so I feel good about reaching out to friends and family. For example. I did squares for the Super Bowl, and that got my friends and I really excited because with every donation, each person was getting the chance to take home a $1000 grand prize. Another idea we did was to sell Krispy Kreme donuts (who doesn't love Krispy Kreme??) and it just helps to build engagement for you as well as the people donating.

Dana: The most difficult part of fundraising is actually asking for money. This year was even more difficult. I usually start out asking the people I am most comfortable with or the ones that I know have donated in the past. Social media has made this a bit more easier to fundraise. However, I still triple check how I phrase my ask because it is out of my comfort zone.

What piece of advice do you have for others, just starting out in fundraising for PALS?

AD: Don't get discouraged because every dollar really does count! Start with a small achievable goal in mind and work your way to reaching that. When the time is right you can always increase the goal, but it starts $1 at a time.

Dana: My piece of advice is to push yourself out of your comfort zone. It can't hurt to try. One donor is better than none!

Donny: When I first built my fundraising page, I honestly did not know what to expect. To my surprise, there were so many people that had been following my PALS journey and wanted to contribute in their own way. The best advice I can give is to let your goal be known and explain what your "why" is for fundraising.