How Emma discovered PALS through The Congratulations Project

Emma Gugliotta will be joining PALS this summer as a Peer at PALS New Jersey. She is a new participant and learned about PALS when her family received a Congratulations Project letter. Her brother, Joey, has Down syndrome and her family was thrilled to hear words of hope, joy, and welcome from a participant at PALS. Let’s learn about Emma and what she is looking forward to this summer!

Tell us about yourself… 

Hi!! My name is Emma Gugliotta and I am eighteen years old. I live with my five siblings along with my Mom and Dad in Manalapan, NJ. I go to Freehold Boro High School where I am enrolled in the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management Magnet Program. I enjoy playing softball, baking, playing ukulele, and hanging out with my friends and family.

How did you find out about PALS? 

I found out about PALS when my little brother Joey was born six years ago with Down syndrome and was a recipient of the Congratulations Project

How did PALS and The Congratulations Project impact you & your family? 

The Congratulations Project was a wonderful surprise to my family when Joey was born. We hadn’t previously heard of PALS, but when we received a package of toys, a handwritten letter from a young adult with Down syndrome, and most importantly, a message of “congratulations!” We were incredibly touched and excited for Joey! 

What are you most excited for this summer? 

I can’t wait to meet new friends at PALS and do tons of fun things with them!!!  

We can’t wait to see you this summer at PALS, Emma! And hopefully, Joey will be a participant at PALS when he is of age too. We are so grateful for the ways in which The Congratulations Project brings individuals into the PALS Family.