PALS Co-Founder & Executive Director
PALS Longtime Participant
We often ask members of our PALS Family "Why PALS?" to learn how our mission has impacted their lives. This month, Jenni, Co-Founder and Executive Director of PALS Programs, and Jason, one of the first participants at PALS, share in honor of World Down Syndrome Day approaching on March 21st.
"I am proud of who I am."
Dear PALS Family,
Jenni: Jason and I are excited about a very special event coming up on March 21, World Down Syndrome Day. It is a global awareness day and an opportunity for us at PALS to share about the impact that so many of our participants have made in our lives, families, friends, and communities.
For me, World Down Syndrome Day is a lot about getting to celebrate Jason and the impact he has made on my life. Jason taught me a lot: how to care for people, how to be a good friend, and how to be brave. Most importantly, he is part of the reason PALS exists.
Jason: When I think of World Down Syndrome Day, I'm grateful I was born. I'm grateful for my family, friends, and fellow co-workers. I'm proud of paying my rent, living in an apartment, and I got a girlfriend.
Jenni: We hope you take time to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day and reflect on the ways your life has been impacted either by being part of the PALS Community or by connecting with individuals with Down syndrome who you love and appreciate.
Jason: Jenni and I are looking forward to celebrating together!
PALS Love,
Jason & Jenni
You can check out the full conversation via PALS Instagram. Stay tuned all month long as we share stories from individuals in our community to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day via our social media on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.