Dear PALS Family,
My son Aidan has attended sessions at Camp PALS for the last six years. I can not adequately describe the impact this program has had on Aidan and our family. Each year, I am just overwhelmed with gratitude to the creators, the board, and particularly to the young men and women who give up a week of their precious time to spend with my son. I wanted to show my appreciation so I created a friends and family fundraiser.
The following is what I wrote on my fundraising page.
Camp PALS has provided Aidan and other children with Down syndrome the unique opportunity to spend a week at camp paired with a peer. This experience has changed Aidan’s life in ways I never thought possible. The cost to send a child/counselor to PALS overnight camp is $2,824. Camp PALS charged $1,400. Fundraising picks up the difference. I am challenging my friends and family to help me raise $2825 THIS WEEK to pay for a child/counselor to attend camp. I believe my fundraiser was successful for two reasons:
“I can not adequately describe the impact this program has had on Aidan and our family.”
I had a very specific monetary amount-the cost of sending a child/counselor to camp.
I limited my event to one week!
The overall experience was extremely gratifying and surprisingly so much fun. I highly encourage you to support Camp PALS and show YOUR appreciation. Consider creating a friends and family fundraiser to support Camp PALS.
Kim Spotts
We encourage members of the PALS family to create a fundraiser for PALS to help us reach our fundraising goal. This summer, we need to raise $100K! Your efforts will ensure we can continue building a world of belonging for years to come. To build your own fundraiser, visit our Fundraise for PALS webpage.