PALS Communications Coordinator
This weekend, PALS is launching our first week-long program since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are so excited to be back with our community, having fun and building connections!
Spring programming was designed using months of research surrounding CDC guidelines, information from Down syndrome advocacy groups, and data from U.S. camp organizations. Our Spring Virtual and Hybrid Programming are a combination of fully- and partially-virtual gatherings designed to replicate the PALS experience: volunteer-led, transformative camp programs that grow friendships and inspire a world of belonging. Now, with programs filled, materials boxes shipped, and staff prepared to deliver the best week of Spring to our participants, we’re setting our sights on Summer.
Last week, PALS distributed a survey to recent volunteers, campers, and their families. We asked key questions not only about safety concerns around camp structure, but also about what participants want and don’t want from a COVID-conscious camp model. From this survey, which produced one of our highest-ever response rates, we’re excited to share a few key takeaways.
What was the number one reason you decided to apply for Spring programs?
This image shows some of the most frequently used words in the hundreds of responses to the above prompt. Here are a couple of those responses:
“[I applied] to experience the PALS magic in any capacity.”
“I want to be part of the PALS community and support this incredible program and the experiences created from/through it.”
“I trust PALS will do everything they can to keep campers safe - and my son has missed it so much!”
“I have never worked with this program before, but it looks like it would be so much fun as well as a great learning opportunity for me!”
Come summertime, I’ll most likely feel safe at an in-person, day-long program.
These results show overwhelming support and enthusiasm for day-long programs from campers, volunteers, and their families alike.
Question: When thinking about PALS summer programming, I’d consider attending…
From the response to this prompt, we’ve learned how eager participants are to return to camp in-person. We are, too!
Question: How likely are you to attend a PALS program this summer 2021?
Of those respondents who did NOT select “Extremely Likely to attend in 2021” 90% said they would be extremely or somewhat likely to attend PALS in 2022.
**Note: Numbers represented in the above pie charts are percentages of respondents and not the actual number of respondents
We couldn’t be more humbled by the results of this survey. Our community has shown a readiness to return to PALS, both with COVID restrictions in 2021 and, should we be so fortunate, again in 2022 when we hope to safely restore our original model of week-long programs on college campuses across the country.
In the coming weeks, PALS will formally announce our Summer 2021 Programming model, dates, locations, and application launch timeline. Until then, our operations team is continuing with health and safety research, as well as collecting data from our community members and stakeholders. Although COVID safety precautions continue to be a necessity, we are ecstatic to resume programming in whatever way is safest. And as we get closer to gathering in person for the first time in more than a year, protecting our participants will always be our top priority.
Thank you for believing in the power of PALS to change lives and inspire a world of belonging. We will be providing more news and updates on spring and summer programming soon!