1000 Congratulations Project Letters Sent!


Joy, Hope, Welcome.

Since 2013, over 1000 families across the country have heard these three words upon receiving a Congratulations Project letter from PALS Programs. We are grateful for the opportunity to congratulate new families and to welcome them into the PALS community. From humble beginnings at a small camp in Philadelphia, the reach of the PALS Congratulations Project now extends across the globe. With recipients in 49 states and 28 countries, more and more families of children born with Down syndrome are experiencing a world of belonging and inclusion through the Congratulations Project.

One letter recipient recently shared this with us:

It made me emotional with all the facts that she wrote on her letter. She told me she had a job, went to college and seemed so independent. I’m so glad and at ease in my heart knowing that my princess girl will have zero restrictions. She gave me hope when I had lost it. Thank you so much.

Every day, 16 children are born with Down syndrome. If you would like to join us in helping to put Congratulations Project letters into the hands of more new families this year, here’s how.