Inspiring from Afar: How PALS Conducted a Fully Virtual Leadership Summit



Volunteer Development Coordinator

The PALS Leadership Summit serves as an early opportunity for our staff to train and facilitate connection and collaboration between PALS Camp Directors, who are among the hardest working and most devoted of volunteers. As part of a leadership development program, directors work with staff all year to ensure they have the skills and training necessary to run safe, inclusive, and fun programs.

I can only imagine what in-person summits were like because this was truly one of the best times I have had in awhile.
— First-Year PALS Camp Director

In a typical year, directors travel by cars, planes, and trains before arriving at a campsite to immerse in the power of PALS for an entire weekend. Creating this space virtually seemed an impossible task this year, but led by our Core Values – Genuine, Welcoming, Passionate, Supportive, and FUN – we rose to the challenge and developed a remote summit that brought together 53 directors from 16 states for a full weekend of training, development, and connection.

We started the weekend by grounding ourselves in where we were, and why we were there. In this new normal, where introductions take place from vast distances, we were thrilled to see our leaders embrace a handful of lighthearted activities to begin building meaningful connections with one another.


Saturday was filled with impactful reflections and conversations that dove into the mission of PALS, our commitment to Diversity & Inclusion, and where PALS is going this year and beyond.

Sunday morning, we closed with a very special guest: Kenny Thomas. Kenny, whose son has Down syndrome, brought a palpable energy and a message that inspired all of us to “Use Our Gift to Make the Shift.” His message has never been more relevant as we make this BIG shift toward virtual and hybrid programs in 2021.

At the heart of the leadership summit was a crucial session focusing on diversity and inclusion. PALS Community Development Associates Ashley Parish and Jordan Rosalyn Henderson spent countless hours planning for this session, guided by their goals to motivate directors to make a change, to internalize the commitment PALS has made, and to feel understood and heard as an individual with their own unique and valid backstory. Ashley and Jordan also led the directors through the PALS Promise – the commitment that our organization has made to our community – and invited directors to write their own commitments as leaders of PALS:

Q: how will you commit to fostering a culture that celebrates diversity and inclusion at pals?

A: “I am committed to empowering and amplifying others’ voices while providing a space where everyone is accepted, welcomed, included, respected, and safe.”

A: “I am committed to not being afraid of the ‘difficult’ conversations.”

A: “I am committed to combating biases by speaking on them and encouraging such open conversations.”

Directors were prompted to describe how they were feeling both upon arriving and departing the leadership summit. Here’s how they responded:


Feelings upon arrival


feelings upon departure


In the end, the primary goal of this year’s leadership summit was to build a deeper connection among the community. Observing director feedback, it’s clear that we achieved this objective. Our weekend together served as a reminder of the things we CAN do, and of the mission by which we stand. In an exit survey, our leaders and staff reported feeling motivated, inspired, and hopeful; we couldn’t be more pleased with this outcome.

The power of connection, whether in-person or virtually, is immeasurable. This group of 53 Directors is ready, excited, and inspired to bring the PALS magic to Summer 2021 and continue to inspire a world of belonging.

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