PALS Development Consultant
No matter if you are a first time participant or are coming back to PALS for your 10th summer, Summer 2022 will be new for all of us in different ways! We have been away from camp for a few years now, and if you are like me, you have not had a ton of time with lots of people in person for the past few years. We hope this will help you get excited about coming to PALS, and feel a bit more comfortable when arrival day comes!
Be Yourself!
One of the best things about PALS is that we get to meet all kinds of people from all different places. Just be yourself! The PALS values are: being welcoming, genuine, passionate, supportive, and fun. That’s all we can do for ourselves and one another. If you like to wear hats every day, bring your hats! If you like to relax before bed by reading, bring your book. You name it, show up how you would show up for a week with all of your best friends. I know it can feel intimidating, especially if you have not met anyone before, but trust us, being yourself will make camp great for everyone!
The programming is amazing!
One of the coolest things about PALS camps is that every program looks and feels unique. Each program is led by a team of volunteer Program Leads, individuals who build a dynamic schedule specific to their program location. Of course, there are PALS staples, classic activities that you see across programs. These activities, like the Congratulations Project, PALS Olympics, and end of week celebration, are deeply rooted in PALS culture.
At the same time, PALS Program Leads also do a phenomenal job of incorporating unique programming components that are specific to their location. This summer we will go on some awesome trips! Boat cruises, Cable Car museum, boardwalks, zoo, you name it! At PALS you get to explore the local community while having a blast with your peers.
Take care of yourself.
You know yourself best and what you need to be healthy and happy at camp. Some people (like me) need lots of sleep. Some people need to eat a big breakfast (also me). Some people need some downtime in the afternoon to just listen to music or sit quietly (ok, all of these are things I need). The point is, I know what I need, and I don’t know what you need or what someone else needs. So think about what you will need throughout the day and week and work with your team to make sure you get those things. It is ok to go to bed early. It is ok to take a small break. It is also ok to ask for something that you can’t find. Maybe you don’t feel well or you just need someone to talk to. Maybe you want to call home. Whatever it is, tell your Team Lead and make sure you take care of yourself. That way you can stay happy and healthy for the whole week!
Read your packing list… and all the emails!
We will be sending you lots of helpful information, details on what you need for your specific program, and asking for all the critical information we need about you to make sure everyone is safe and healthy at Camp. Make sure you read the emails (especially the ones from CampDoc!) and ensure all health forms and immunizations are complete, including up to date COVID-19 vaccinations. Check your camp specific website which you’ll receive 4 weeks before your program. Plus, you want to check out the packing list to make sure you have your swimsuit, or your finest party wear, or whatever specific things you need for your special program!
Take a risk, do something that might be a little scary for you.
Everyone showing up is a little bit nervous, even if they seem super excited or really out-going. We all get nervous before something new, but it can be worth it to get out of your comfort zone.. Talk to a new stranger. Introduce yourself to someone that looks like they might be a little nervous too. If you are super outgoing, take a minute to step back and watch the group, you might see something new or different that way. Try something new, a new food, a new song at karaoke, dancing in front of the crowd, doing an activity you have never done before, anything, just try something new at camp and see how you feel about yourself after that!
We can’t wait to see you at camp this summer! As always, if you have any additional questions or needs before camp, reach out to PALS Staff at